You might be looking for romantic gestures for your wife. Or maybe you’re wondering how to be romantic to your girlfriend.  How much is too much? When is it not enough? And how do you know what grand gestures will send her the right message?  After reading this post, you’ll be able to answer these questions and more. And it won’t be long before she notices.

How to Romance a Woman 

Even if you already knew how to romance a girl, it can’t hurt to learn about sweet gestures — large and small — you haven’t tried yet. Here are a few steps to choosing the right ones:

27 Romantic Gestures for Her 

Here are some of the best romantic gestures to impress your girl. From the simplest, most thoughtful small gestures to the grand moments you will remember forever, you’ll find something to fit every occasion. 

Big Romantic Gestures for Her

1. Surprise her with concert tickets for her favorite singer or band. 

Nothing says “romance” like noticing the music she likes. And going to a concert is an experience that everyone wants to have at least once in their life. Let her share that experience with you.

2. Take her for a weekend road trip. 

Does she love camping? Plan a trip to a campground. Does she prefer to stay in a suite by the beach? Plan beach activities that will make it the most memorable weekend ever.

3. Help her with her bucket list. 

What’s something she’s always wanted to do? You can plan a trip to go rock climbing or sky-diving. Or you can simply help her plant a garden. Everyone’s bucket list is different, but couples bond when doing activities together.

4. Throw a surprise party. 

If the event calls for it, and you know she likes surprises, consider gathering her friends and family, setting up party decorations, and getting her favorite dessert.

5. Set up a scavenger hunt. 

This can be as complex or as simple as you want, but taking her on a walk around the block to find clues and spend time together might be just the thing to show her how much you enjoy her company.

6. Buy her something she’s been wanting for a while. 

If she’s talked about a certain brand or product, surprise her by buying it for her. If she’s been saving up for something, save her the trouble. 

7. Get her an engraved gift. 

If she’s into jewelry, buy her a necklace with her name on it. Or, you can get her a box with a favorite quote or loving message engraved in the top. 

8. Pay for her to have a spa day. 

If she’s been stressed out, show her that you care about her mental health by paying for a day of unwinding and relaxation, either for the two of you or for her and a girlfriend.

9. Take a class together. 

Is there a skill you’ve both been wanting to learn? Surprise her by arranging to go to a class for it. You can learn dancing, yoga, and many more useful talents. 21 Signs Of Emotional Invalidation In Your Relationship And How This Behavior Affects You 87 Of The Best Hobbies For Couples Who Want To Have Fun 25 Rainy Day Date Ideas To Salvage Your Plans For Fun

Simple Romantic Gestures for Her

10. Bring her favorite drink. 

This may not seem like a significant thing, but little gestures of love like this are important and show that you’re thinking about her. It also shows that you’ve been paying attention to what she likes.

11. Make a list of 100 things you love about her. 

This doesn’t cost money, and it can be a sweet and thoughtful reminder that she never leaves your mind. Show her why you value her and the person she is.

12. Cook for her. 

This will give you a chance to show off your skills in the kitchen, and you can save money by dining at home. A meal cooked by you is much more personal than takeout.

13. Do chores for her. 

Has she been putting off a trip to buy groceries? Maybe she really hates doing the dishes. One of the best ways to show that you care is to lighten the load on of her shoulders. 

14. Tell her how you feel about her. 

Even if you’re already together, a reminder of how much you care for her is always a good thing. It takes a lot of courage to open up to someone and talk about your emotions, and she’ll appreciate that.

15. Buy her favorite dessert. 

Plan a time in the evening to surprise her with her favorite sweet treat. You can enjoy it together while watching her favorite movie, or you can relax and talk while eating.

16. Get her flowers. 

You don’t need to get her a big bouquet. You don’t even need to buy them from a store. If you know a place to pick colorful flowers (make sure they aren’t poisonous), use them to show her how much you care. 

17. Ask her about her day. 

Yes, this may seem basic, but you’d be surprised how often women can feel overlooked. Little questions like, “What was the best part of today?” or “Is there anything you want to talk about?” will make her feel more important.

18. Buy her a gift card to her favorite store. 

It doesn’t have to be worth a lot, but she’ll be able to buy something to treat herself. It can be charming to buy something for her, but sometimes it’s even better to let her buy something for herself.

19. Frame a picture of the two of you. 

Yes, you can keep tons of photos on your phone, but it’s so much better to have a physical reminder of your love. You can put it next to her bed or at her workplace. Either way, it will keep her thinking about you.

Romantic Gestures for Her Long Distance

20. Send a letter to her. 

Writing something on paper is more thoughtful than sending a text, and she’ll have a physical note to look at when she misses you.

21. Visit her. 

If it’s a special occasion that you want to spend together, plan the time to go visit her. You can surprise her by showing up at her doorstep, or you can discuss the trip beforehand.

22. Send her sweet texts every morning. 

It’s very simple, but she’ll start her day knowing that she’s on your mind. Send her a thoughtful good morning message, or just tell her you love her and can’t wait to see her.

23. Send her a care package. 

You can sign her up for a few months’ worth of care packages, or you can arrange for a delivery to be sent to her. Either way, she’ll feel loved and appreciated. 

24. Pay attention to her communication preferences. 

This gesture is a little thing but an important one. Some people prefer texting to talking on the phone, while some prefer video calls or instant messaging on social media. Whatever her preference, make sure to honor it.

25. Send her a picture every day. 

This image could be as simple as a selfie or as complex as a bird’s-eye view of your street corner. Whatever type of photo it is, she’ll feel closer to you when she looks at it.

26. Make her an edited music video. 

If video editing is your thing, make a music video of your favorite moments together. Choose a song you know she enjoys and give her a reason to love it even more.

27. Set up a virtual date. 

You can have a video call with her and talk over dinner. You can even arrange for a fast-food place to deliver food to her. Just because you’re not physically together doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy a date. What romantic gestures will you offer? Now that you know how to be more romantic, your relationship can reach the next level.  No matter how simple or complex your gestures are, any romantic woman will love them. If you continue surprising and impressing her, you’ll keep the relationship intimate and exciting, no matter what stage you’ve reached. If this article helped you find what you were looking for, share it with anyone you know who’s wondering how to romance a girl. It doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done. The woman in your life deserves someone willing to put their ego on the line to sweep her off her feet.  The fact that you’re reading this tells me you’re ready to step up. 

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